Shift Flags - Track Sick Time, No Shows, and Lates

Shift Flags in 7shifts allow you to track when employees call in sick, miss their shift, or are late for their shift. Here's an example of a shift marked as Sick:

Mobile 📱 Web 🖥️
Screenshot 2025-01-02 at 11.43.10 AM.png
Screenshot 2025-01-02 at 11.43.32 AM.png

Manually Add Shift Flags

Mark attendance issues directly on the schedule page. Here's how to manually apply shift flags through the mobile or web app:

Mobile 📱 Web 🖥️
  1. Log in to the mobile app.
  2. Head to the Schedule and select a shift to expand it's shift details.
  3. Tap on the More options icon horizontal ellipses more options.png.
  4. Select Change Shift Flag.
  5. Choose between Late, No-show, or Sick.
  6. Tap Done.

You can then generate an attendance report to see an employee's overall attendance rating. To do this, go to Reports > Attendance

Auto-Flagging Shift Flags with 7punches or POS Integration

You can choose to have Shift Flags for late arrivals and no-shows automatically populate based on employee punches.

To enable Auto-Shift Flags:

  1. Log in to the web app as an Admin.
  2. Navigate Time Clocking > Settings.
  3. Enable Auto shift flags and set a Late tolerance (set your own grace period, which will determine when a punch is considered late):

    620154ecebeec (1).png

  4. A shift will be auto-flagged as No-show if there is no punch-in within the scheduled shift time. In addition, a shift will be auto-flagged as No-show if there is no punch-in less than 2 hours before/after the shift’s scheduled start time.

    ⚠️ The Employee can still clock in after 1-9 hours from the scheduled start time, to still have the punch associated with the original shift. However, after 10 hours it will be tagged as a No Scheduled Shift for that specific pay period (under Time Clocking > Pay Periods).

    The Allow punch without shift 7punches setting will also need to be enabled in order for them to be able to punch in 10 hours after their shift was scheduled to start.
  5. Be sure to scroll down and click Save to complete these changes.

Remove a Shift Flag

If a Shift Flag is applied incorrectly (e.g., an employee forgot to punch in or was sick), go to the Schedule, click the shift, and update the flag in the bottom-left corner. Use the tabs to change your viewing preferences through the mobile or web app:

Mobile 📱 Web 🖥️
  1. Log in to the mobile app.
  2. Head to the Schedule and select a shift to expand its shift details.
  3. Tap on the More options icon horizontal ellipses more options.png.
  4. Select Change Shift Flag.
  5. Choose a new or No flag.
  6. Tap Done.

Where Shift Flags Appear

When a shift is flagged, either manually or automatically based on the employee's punch, they will populate in the following areas:

⚠️ No-show Flags will populate in the Engage page, but removing them manually from the Schedule does not remove them from the Engage page at this time. 

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