Micros 3700 POS (Omnivore)

Accurate sales and labor data tracking is at your fingertips with the Micros 3700 POS integration (through Omnivore)!

Adding the Integration
Mapping your Roles
Mapping your Employees
Actual Sales & Forecasting
Actual Labor
Sync POS Time Clocking Data
Schedule Enforcement
Syncing Wages
Employee Sync
⚠️ If you are a Delaget customer, please follow the integration steps here instead.
⚠️ If connecting through Omnivore, the minimum required version of Micros 3700 POS is 5.x.
⚠️ Access to this integration may require an upgrade from your current plan.

Adding the Integration

To get started, you will need to contact one of our integration specialists at integrations@7shifts.com requesting the Micros 3700 POS integration. Our support team will work with you to arrange the installation.

Alternatively, you can request the integration from your 7shifts account by following these steps:

1. Head to Apps & Integrations :

2. Search and select Micros 3700 from the list:Screen_Shot_2022-12-20_at_9.53.13_AM.png


3. In the dropdown select your Location and click 'Request Upgrade.'

4. From there, you will be in contact with our support team with further instructions.

5. After our support team has assisted you with the integration setup, map your roles and employees to ensure accurate reporting across your 7shifts Account. When your roles and employees are mapped, you can leverage 7shifts reporting and analytics tools to help you make informed decisions and track your business needs.

Your integration settings will always be accessible under under Apps & Integrations > My Integrations > Micros 3700 POS > Settings:


⚠️ Once activated, it may take hours for the system to start bringing in your previous sales. If they do not appear initially, please check back in a few hours.

Mapping Roles

You'll want to review and map your specific Roles between your POS and 7shifts to easily assign Roles when adding new employees from your POS. This is how you will be able to match your Role in 7shifts to their counterparts in your POS.

⚠️ It is especially important to ensure that you map your Roles correctly before enabling the Wage Sync feature.

To map your Roles:

1. Head to Apps & Integrations > Mapping :

2. From there, select Roles. 

7shifts will automatically map any Roles that already exist between your POS/payroll and 7shifts, if they are both spelled the same way, with identical spacing. You'll find those under the Mapped heading.



If 7shifts was not able to auto map the specific Roles, you'll need to either create the Role within 7shifts or your POS, or map it to another existing Role.

Click here to learn more about mapping Roles.

Mapping Employees

You'll need to map your Employees between your POS and 7shifts to connect the Schedule Enforcement and Actual Labor features. This is how you will be able to match your Employees in 7shifts to their counterparts in your POS.

1. Head to Apps & Integrations > Mapping :

2. From there, selectEmployees.

7shifts will automatically map any Employees that already exist between your POS and 7shifts (if they are both spelled the same way). You'll find those under the 'Mapped' heading. 



For unmapped Employees, you can either match up, ignore, or create the Employee. 

  • Match: Simply find the corresponding Employee on the list.
  • Ignore: You'll want to ignore if the Employee will never need to clock in/out (i.e. salaried employees).
  • Create: This will add the Employee to 7shifts, allowing you to start scheduling them. 
If an incorrect match was made, you can always correct the mistake by unmatching them. The employee will now be listed under 'Unmapped' and you can assign them correctly from there. 

Moving forward, you can add your new Employees to your POS or 7shifts. New employees will be mapped automatically if a match is found. 

If Employees are not in your 7shifts account yet, you will also have the option to add them directly from the Mapping Page by clicking 'New employee in 7shifts.'

❗️When using the 'New Employee in 7shifts' option, email addresses are unable to sync for Micros 3700 POS. So the Employee profiles created through the mapping page will not have an email and will be unable to automatically receive an invitation to 7shifts.
Click here to learn more about mapping Employees.


Actual Sales & Forecasting

Once your integration has been activated, your real-time sales data will be enabled by default. We will backfill 14 days of previous sales, if available. 7shifts will also use those Actual Sales values to populate Projected Sales, allowing you to create schedules based on those projections.

After activating your integration, please note that sales projections may not appear immediately. It can take approximately 1-2 weeks from the activation date for sales projections to become visible, covering up to four weeks into the future. These will become more accurate over time as more data is available.

You can manually import sales data for more immediate projections. To do this, import hourly sales each day or individual receipts consistently. You can learn more about sale projections here.

Sales data from Micros 3700 syncs to 7shifts every minute.

7shifts will begin pulling in your sales data into the Dashboard, Manager Log Book, Actuals Report, and the Labor Budget Tool.

⚠️ Sales Accuracy

To ensure accurate reporting and matching sales totals, 7shifts and Micros 3700 POS must both:

  • be in the same timezone
  • have work day hours ranging from 5AM—5AM

Click here to learn more about the Dashboard.

Manager Log Book:

Click here to learn more about the Manager Log Book.

Actuals Report:

Click here to learn more about the Actuals Report.

Labor Budget Tool:

Click here to learn more about the Labor Budget Tool.

Projected Sales

Now when you go to build schedules for future weeks, 7shifts will automatically look at past historical sales and insert your sales projections for you. This allows for more accurate scheduling if you're wanting to stay on budget and within your labor targets.

Actual Sales

The Actual Sales will initially be empty for the current or future days until sales start rolling in. Once the sales numbers have been pulled into 7shifts, they will be shown appropriately under those specific days.

Actual Labor

With the Micros 3700 Actual Labor integration, your actual labor costs will be pulled into 7shifts. Once enabled, your actual labor data will be displayed on our Dashboard, allowing you to compare Sales vs Labor.

To enable Micros 3700 Actual Labor: 

1. Head over to the Apps & Integrations > My Integrations > Micros 3700 POS.

2. Click 'Settings' beside the Location(s) that you want to enable.

3. Under the 'Labor' tab, click on the slider beside 'Actual Labor.'

You'll see the Actual Labor numbers update on the Dashboard on the day you enabled Micros 3700 Actual Labor. Going forward, these numbers will be updated daily (every minute) from your Micros terminal. 

Sync POS Time Clocking Data

If you have a POS integration that includes labor, you have the option to view your employee's time clocking entries from the POS within 7shifts. In addition, you are able to export this time clocking data to any of our payroll integrations

Click here for more information on enabling this function. 

Schedule Enforcement

You can now ensure that your staff clocks into Micros 3700 POS  only when they're scheduled to work. In turn, this allows you to control and reduce labor costs.

Here's how it works: Shifts are automatically synced to your Micros 3700 POS. Staff clock in/out on the POS. Your POS will then validate whether that employee is scheduled to work and can clock in. If they are scheduled to work, they will be allowed to clock in.

⚠️ The install for this feature requires some specific permissions on your Micros 3700 POS. Our support team will review these during the installation process.
Once the feature has been configured on your Micros BOH terminal, you can turn the feature on within 7shifts by doing the following:

1. First you will need to ensure you have mapped your Employees.

2. Then, hover over to Apps & Integrations > My Integrations > Micros 3700 .

3. Click 'Settings' beside the Location(s) that you want to enable.

4. In the 'Labor' tab, toggle on 'Schedule Enforcement.'

Syncing Wages

You can set your employee's wages in 7shifts to sync with the wages from your POS. This will ensure that your wages within 7shifts are always up to date with the wage in your POS.

⚠️ Prior to syncing wages, you will need to enable Wage-Based Roles and have properly mapped your Roles.
To enable the Wage Sync setting:

1. Head over to  Apps & Integrations > My Integrations > Micros 3700.

2. Click 'Settings' beside the Location(s) that you want to enable.

3. In the 'Employee Data' tab, click the slider button to enable 'Wage Sync.'

⚠️ Wages through Wage Sync will update every 60 minutes.

Employee Sync

7shifts can automatically create a new employee when you add them to your POS. Streamline your employee onboarding process by eliminating the need to enter employee information twice. Employee Sync also helps ensure your employee records match in both systems, so your labor data is always up to date in 7shifts.

⚠️ To use Employee Sync, you will first need to:

1. Have Actual Labor turned on in your integration settings.

2. Map your existing Employees. This will ensure Employees you have chosen to ignore during mapping will not be created in 7shifts.

3. Map your Roles. This will ensure Employees will be assigned the correct Roles in 7shifts when they are created.

Click here for more information about Employee Sync and how to enable this function.


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