Lightspeed POS (K-Series)


Accurate sales and labor tracking is at your fingertips with the Lightspeed K POS integration!

⚠️ Existing Lightspeed K accounts can enable Labor and Employee sync by navigating to your integration settings in the web app to reconnect your integration.

To do this, click Settings > Disconnect > confirm the action. Next, follow the steps in the article below to add it again - where you'll have the option to include employee and labor data from Lightspeed. Disconnecting the integration will not impact any previous data synced into 7shifts.

Add the Integration

  1. In the left navigation bar, go to Apps & Integrations.

  2. Search for Lightspeed K POS and click Next.

  3. Review and accept the required permissions for the integration.
  4. Click Login to Lightspeed K:

  5. Log in to your Lightspeed Account:

  6. Once logged in, you'll be redirected back to 7shifts. Here, fill out the Location Details and click Connect:

  7. Success! You've now successfully connected to Lightspeed K!
    You can manage your integration settings by navigating to Apps & Integrations > My Integrations > Lightspeed K POS > Settings.

    Note: Real-time sales & forecasting will be automatically enabled with the connection of the integration. 

Map Roles

Accurate role mapping is essential to ensure that labor data syncs correctly from your POS into 7shifts. If a Role exists in the POS and is used for time clocking, a corresponding Role should exist in 7shifts and be mapped for accurate syncing.

    1. In the left navigation bar, go to Apps & Integrations.
    2. Select Mapping > Roles.

      7shifts will automatically map any Roles that have identical spelling and spacing between your POS and 7shifts. These will appear in the Mapped section.

      Any Roles that weren’t automatically mapped will appear in the Unmapped section. To map these Roles, you’ll need to either:

      • Create the Role in 7shifts or Lightspeed, or
      • Manually map it to an existing Role.

      Click here to learn more about mapping Roles.

Map Employees

To enable the Actual Labor feature, you'll need to map your employees between Lightspeed and 7shifts. This ensures that employees in 7shifts are correctly matched with their counterparts in your POS, and that punches and labor data sync accurately from Lightspeed into 7shifts.

      1. In the left navigation bar, go to Apps & Integrations.

      2. Select Mapping > Employees.

        7shifts will automatically map any Employees who have identical spelling in both Lightspeed and 7shifts. These will appear under the Mapped heading.

      3. For unmapped Employees, you can:
        • Match: Select the corresponding employee from the list.
        • Ignore: Choose this for employees who don’t need to clock in/out (e.g., salaried employees).
        • Create: Add the employee to 7shifts, allowing scheduling for them.
      4. If a match is incorrect, you can unmatch the employee, placing them back under Unmapped for reassignment.

        Click here to learn more about mapping Employees.

Actual Sales & Forecasting

Once the integration is activated, real-time sales data will be enabled by default. 7shifts will use this actual sales data to generate projected sales, which helps you create schedules based on these projections.

After activation, sales projections may take approximately 1-2 weeks to appear. They will cover up to four weeks into the future and become more accurate as more data accumulates.

You can learn more about sale projections here.

Sales from Lightspeed POS (K-series) sync every 5 minutes.

7shifts will sync sales data into the Dashboard, Manager Log Book, Actuals Report, and the Labor Budget Tool.


Click here to learn more about the Dashboard.




Manager Log Book

Click here to learn more about the Manager Log Book.


Actuals Report

Click here to learn more about the Actuals Report.


Labor Budget Tool

Click here to learn more about the Labor Budget Tool.

Projected Sales

When building schedules for future weeks, 7shifts will automatically use past historical sales data to generate and insert sales projections. This feature enables more accurate scheduling to help you stay on budget and within your labor targets.


Actual Sales

The Actual Sales data will initially be empty for the current or future days until sales data starts rolling in. Once sales numbers are pulled into 7shifts, they will be displayed under the respective days.



Actual Labor

The Actual Labor feature will enable the sync of time clocking data or employee punches from Lightspeed into 7shifts. Labor data will be displayed throughout 7shifts to compare Sales vs. Labor. Individual punches will also be displayed in the 7shifts Time Clocking page if enabled.

To enable Actual Labor:
  1. Navigate to Apps & Integrations > My Integrations > Lightspeed K.

  2. Click Settings beside the Location(s) that you want to enable.

  3. Navigate to the Labor tab and toggle on the slider for Actual Labor.Screen Shot 2022-11-01 at 10.34.38 AM.png

    Note: Labor data will start syncing from the moment the feature is enabled. No historical labor data will be synced for previous days.


Sync POS Time Clocking Data

If you have a POS integration that includes labor, you have the option to view your employee's time clocking entries from the POS within 7shifts. In addition, you are able to export this time clocking data to any of our payroll integrations.

Click here for more information on enabling this function.

Edit POS Time Punches in 7shifts

By default, when the Actual Labor and Time Clocking features are enabled in 7shifts, any edits made to time clock entries in the POS will sync with 7shifts. The sync frequency depends on your specific POS integration. If you'd prefer to make time punch edits directly in 7shifts, you can enable the "Edit POS Time Punches" feature.

Click here to learn more about Editing POS Time Punches in 7shifts. 

Employee Sync

7shifts can automatically create new employees when you add them to your POS, streamlining your onboarding process and eliminating the need to enter employee information twice. Employee Sync ensures your employee records are consistent across both systems, keeping your labor data up to date in 7shifts.

⚠️ To use Employee Sync, you will first need to:

1. Enable Actual Labor in the POS integration settings.

2. Map existing Employees. This ensures that Employees you choose to ignore during mapping will not be created in 7shifts.

3. Map Roles. This will ensure employees will be assigned the correct Roles in 7shifts when they are created.

⚠️ Note: When adding a new employee to Lightspeed, only the First name, Last name, and Email address will sync.
Role assignments and Wages from Lightspeed do not sync.
Click here for more information about Employee Sync and how to enable this function. 

Tip Calculation

Automate tip calculations and payments with custom rules, eliminating errors and reducing your administrative workload. Payments can be processed through payroll, Tip Payouts, or directly on shifts.

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