ADP Run (US) Integration

If you are using 7punches for time-clocking or a POS integration with labor data, you can send your worked hours directly to ADP Run.


⚠️ This feature may require an upgrade from your current plan.

⚠️ If both of the following conditions describe your setup, start a chat for technical assistance: (1) you have multiple locations (i.e., multiple Company Codes/Brand Codes) within your ADP Run accounts, and (2) these locations are all linked to the same 7shifts account.

Enabling the ADP Run Integration

To enable the integration, you'll need to complete the following using ADP admin and 7shifts admin credentials:

Step 1: In 7shifts
  1. Log in to the web app as an Admin.
  2. In the left navigation bar, head to Apps & Integrations.
  3. Search and select ADP Run.
  4. Click the Copy button to copy this ID > Connect to ADP Marketplace.
  5. You will be taken to the ADP website, where you will need to sign in with Admin credentials.

    Connecting multiple accounts? You'll need to create temporary logins for each additional connection.

Step 2: In ADP
  1. Once you're redirected to ADP's website, click Buy Now beside the ADP Run Connector App. ADP charges a $15 monthly fee/per location, and you will only be able to connect to an ADP account that has one Company Code.
  2. Enter the total number of Locations in your 7shifts account that you wish to activate with the ADP Run integration. This will be the maximum number of locations you can connect.
  3. Click Continue:
  4. Paste your Partner ID here that you copied earlier from your 7shifts account > click Check > Continue: 

  5.  Follow the ADP prompts, such as providing billing information, and click Place Order:

  6. Click Go To Myapps:

  7.  Once successful, you will see the 7shifts Connector application in your ADP Run account. Click on the 7shifts icon to link it:

Step 3: In 7shifts
  1.  Log in to your 7shifts account as an Admin, go to Apps & Integrations > My Integrations > ADP Run > Settings:

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  2. Select the 7shifts Locations you want to connect, and click Save. You can only add as many locations as you've purchased in ADP.
  3. (optional) Once the Locations under this ADP Company Code have been connected, head to the Payroll Mapping and choose whether to Split Hours by Role:

  4. With your integration finally activated across your Locations, you will now need to Map your Roles & Employees so that your labor data can sync properly between 7shifts and ADP.

Mapping Employees

Each time you add a new employee to 7shifts or payroll provider, you'll want to ensure that they are properly mapped. This step is required and ensures employees are matched between 7shifts and ADP for payroll processing:

⚠️ If you've recently added a new Employee in ADP, it can take up to 24 hours for them to appear on the Employee Mapping page in 7shifts. If you do not see them in 7shifts initially, please check back in 24 hours.
  1. Log in to the web app as an Admin or Manager/Assistant Manager with permissions.
  2. In the left navigation bar, head to Apps & Integrations > Mapping > Employees. Here, you'll see the users that you have set up within 7shifts vs. the users that exist within ADP.

  3. Use the dropdown filter to view the mapping status of your employees:

    Mapped: 7shifts will automatically map any Employees that already exist between 7shifts and ADP Run, if they are both spelled the same way with identical capitalization and spacing. 

    Unmapped/Ignored: Any Employees that cannot be automatically matched.
  4. Manually match any unmapped employees from ADP to their counterpart user profile in 7shifts:

    • Match: Simply find the corresponding employee in the list.
    • Ignore: You'll want to ignore if the employee will never need to clock in/out (i.e. Salaried employees)

Click here to learn more about mapping Employees.

Mapping Roles

Match roles in 7shifts with ADP department codes to ensure labor data sync correctly. As terminology can vary between systems, remember that your Roles in 7shifts are the same as the department codes you have set up in ADP Run.

⚠️ If you've recently added a new department in ADP, it can take up to 24 hours for it to appear on the Role Mapping page in 7shifts. If you do not see it in 7shifts initially, please check back in 24 hours.
It is highly recommended that you map/match only one 7shifts Role to a single department code in ADP (one-to-one pairs).
Click here to see an example:

Example: The Role 'Bartender' in 7shifts could match with the department code 'Bar Keeper' in ADP.

❗️At this time, we do not support the ability to map more than one ADP department code with the same Role in 7shifts. In this case, it is best to add additional Roles within 7shifts so that the pairs made while mapping are still a one-to-one ratio.

Example: The Role 'Bartender' in 7shifts could match with the department code 'Bar Keeper' but not also the department code 'Bar Assistant' in ADP.

A new Role for 'Bar Assistant' would need to be created with 7shifts in order to match the one in ADP.

  1. Log in to the web app as an Admin or Manager/Assistant Manager with permissions.
  2. In the left navigation bar, head to Apps & Integrations > Mapping > Roles. Here, you'll find the Roles that you have set up within 7shifts vs. the department codes that exist within ADP.
  3. Automatically mapped employees appear under the Mapped filter.

    Mapped: 7shifts will automatically map any Roles/department codes that already exist between 7shifts and ADP, if they are both spelled the same way, with identical capitalization and spacing. 
    Unmapped/Ignored: Any Roles that cannot be automatically matched.
  4. Manually match any department codes from ADP that are used for punching in, to their 7shifts Role.
    • Match: Simply find the corresponding role in the list.
    • Ignore: Choose to ignore if the Role is not used, data will not sync between the integration and 7shifts.

Click here to learn more about mapping Roles.

Preparing your Payroll Data

Before you can send your payroll data to ADP, you'll need to ensure that you've properly approved all punches and closed your timesheet.

⚠️ Only Admins can close all timesheets, a mandatory step to send payroll data to your integration successfully.
  1. Log in to the web app as an Admin or Manager/Assistant Manager with permissions.
  2. In the left navigation bar, head to Time Clocking > select the appropriate Pay Period.
  3. Review and Approve/Edit punches, or choose to Approve All:

  4. Select Close Timesheet in the top right corner. 
  5.  Export this timesheet to ADP Run by clicking Export > ADP Run:


Including Paid Time Off (PTO):

To include Employees' Paid Time Off and Paid Sick Time hours within the report, an Admin needs to enable these features under your Company Settings.

Click here to learn about enabling Paid Time Off (PTO).

Including Tips

Accounts using a supported POS integration will be able to send their tip data to 7shifts. From there, this information can be included with your time-clocking data when processing payroll.

Click here to learn more about syncing your tip data to payroll.

Please review carefully to see if your POS or tip source is compatible with your payroll provider.

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