California Labor Compliance - More Tools

calibannerThe following tools can help manage California labor exceptions even further, by verifying that employees are aware of missed breaks and have waived them where allowed in 7shifts.


⚠️ These features are only available for those using 7punches and may require an upgrade from your current plan.

⚠️ Only Admins can access Company Settings and enable these tools.

Automatically Dismiss Missed Meal Breaks

Reduce the time needed to perform payroll with automated meal break warnings! If an Employee misses their meal break, it will automatically be dismissed on your Time Clocking page.

How it Works

To better understand how meal breaks are automatically dismissed, here are the conditions that need to be met:

  • The First Meal Break Auto-dismissal:

    If an employee hasn't taken their first meal break within the first 5 hours of their shift, the system can automatically dismiss the missed meal break if:
    • The Employee has a Meal Break 1 waiver on file.
    • The shift is less than or equal to 6 hours.
  • The Second Meal Break Auto-dismissal:

    If an employee has already taken their first meal break within the first 5 hours of their shift and meets the conditions below, the system can automatically dismiss a missed second meal break.
    • The first meal is not auto-dismissed but taken within the first 5 hours of the worked shift.
    • The employee who hasn't already had a meal break is automatically dismissed for that shift.
    • The employee worked a shift between 10 to 12 hours.
    • If the shift is longer than 12 hours, the system won't dismiss any missed meal breaks.

⚠️ To enable 'Automatically Dismiss Missed Meal Breaks", the following settings must first be enabled in Settings > Company Settings > Labor & Compliance > see section Advanced Labor:

  • Attestation
  • Meal Break Waivers

⚠️ Assistant Managers/Managers with permissions can access this feature. These include: 'Can manage punches', 'can manage exceptions', 'can add employees', and 'can edit employees'.

Follow these steps to enable Automatically Dismiss Missed Meal Breaks:

From Company Settings
  1. Log into the web app as an Admin.

  2. In the left navigation bar, select Settings Company Settings. Once on the Company Settings page, select Labor & Compliance.

  3. Under the section Advanced Labor > enable Attestation.

  4. Checkmark Automatically dismiss missed meal breaks:

  5. Click Save to complete these changes
From an Employee Profile
  1. In the left navigation bar, select Team > Employees > search for an Employee and click on their name to expand it. Once on the Employee profile, select Employment on the left-hand menu.
  2. Checkmark the waiver(s) on file that will apply to the Employee:

  3. Click Save to complete these changes

How to Revert Auto-dismissed Meal Breaks

From the Time Clocking page
  1. In the left navigation bar, click on the Time Clocking tab and select a pay period. Once the pay period has expanded, click on the pencil icon Screen_Shot_2022-10-28_at_9.54.21_PM.png next to the punch you would like to edit.

  2. In the Punch Overviewclick on Auto-dismissed meal break:Screen_Shot_2022-10-28_at_10.00.14_PM.png
  3. Click Revert auto-dismissed meal break to accept the warning:Screen_Shot_2022-10-28_at_10.03.16_PM.png
  4. Click Save to complete these changes

Automatically Dismissed Meal Breaks in Reports

When you're ready to review this information, you can navigate to your Punch Audit Report.

They will appear for each Employee within the specified date range as:


If a punch has been edited, this will render the auto-dismissed meal break as obsolete, and it will be recorded in the report as :


Employee Attestation

Through 7punches, Employee Attestation will require Employees to confirm whether they:

  • Took their breaks in accordance with the policy
  • Had the opportunity to take all of their breaks, but freely chose not to
  • Were prevented from taking their breaks

Attestation occurs on employee punch out. This data will be available in the Labor Exceptions report, accessible to Managers and Admins.

To enable Employee Attestation: 

  1. Go to Settings > Company Settings > Labor & Compliance.

  2. Checkmark Attestation > Save.

  3. In the Policy Link field, there is the option to directly link your company's break policy so your employees can access it on the Attestation modal when they punch out.


  4. Once an Employee punches out, they will be prompted to attest to their breaks. They can toggle between languages (English and Spanish) from the dropdown in the top right corner:

Customize Attestation

Admins have the option to Customize Attestation fields:

  • Choosing the Attestation question
  • Choosing the answers to the Attestation question
  • Number of Attestation answers (2 or 3)
  • Language

To enable Custom Attestation:

  1. Go to Settings > Company Settings > Labor & Compliance.

  2. Checkmark Attestation.

  3. Click on Customize Attestation.

  4. Under each tab, enter the applicable details for your custom questions and responses. 

    ❗️The Negative Response field must be filled out, as well as at least one Affirmative Response (positive), for Employees to select when they punch out.

    Screenshot 2024-10-30 at 6.14.58 PM.png

  5. Click Save to complete these changes.

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