Labor Summary

The 7shifts Labor Summary provides Admin and Manager/Assistant Manager users with a detailed overview of labor data, including shifts and hours worked per role for each employee during a selected pay period. This summary is customizable, allowing you to display only the most relevant information. This article will guide you on how to access and use the 7shifts Labor Summary.

⚠️ The Labor Summary is only available on the web app.

⚠️ Unapproved punches will not appear in the Labor Summary.
⚠️ Manager/Assistant Manager users require the permission 'Can manage time punches' to view the Labor Summary.

To access the 7shifts Labor Summary:

    1. Log in to the web app as an Admin, Manager, or Assistant Manager user with the appropriate permissions.

    2. In the left navigation bar, go to Time Clocking and click Review next to the desired pay period.

    3. Check Punch Statuses: Ensure all punches are approved, as unapproved punches won't appear in the labor summary or be included in timesheet exports. Punches can be approved in the Employee Punches tab. 

      Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 12.28.37 PM.png
    4. Select the Labor Summary tab:

    5. Use the location dropdown to view timesheets for a different Location.

    6. Apply Filters: Narrow down your results by filtering based on Department, Role, Day, or Employee.

    7. Select the Columns button to customize the type of information to be shown in your data table, and use the toggles to enable or disable column options.
      Screenshot 2024-09-03 at 11.50.56 AM.png

Pro Tip!

  • If an employee works multiple Roles during a pay period, their hours, shifts, and wages will be displayed as separate line items for each role, along with a summary of the total data at the top (e.g., John Doe).
  • If an employee works the same Role throughout the pay period, their hours, shifts, and wages will be consolidated into a single line item for that role (e.g., Andy Dwyer).

(Click on the above image to expand)

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