Approved vs. Unapproved Punches

When reviewing time punches in 7shifts, you may see approved and unapproved time punches. This article explains the difference between Unapproved and Approved time punches.

⚠️ Punches can be reviewed by Admin users + Manager/Assistant Manager users assigned to that Location, with the permission: 'Can manage time punches'.

⚠️ Employee Approval of Time Punches does not affect Payroll or Worked Hours & Wages reports. Regardless of approval status, all punches are included in tips and payroll calculations.

Unapproved Punches:

  • Unapproved punches are listed in grey on the Time Clocking page.
  • These are clock-in and clock-out times recorded in 7punches that haven't been reviewed or validated yet. They may require further verification, adjustment, or correction.
  • Reasons for unapproved punches could include discrepancies between scheduled shifts and actual punch in and out times, labor exceptions, missed breaks, or auto-punch outs.
  • Unapproved punches are excluded from Actual Labor costs in 7shifts reports and are not included in the Labor Summary.

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Approved Punches:

  • Approved punches are listed in green on the Time Clocking page.
  • These are clock-in and clock-out times reviewed and validated by an Admin, Manager/Assistant Manager, or the system via auto-approval.
  • Approval indicates that the time is accurate, compliant with company policies, and ready for payroll processing.
  • Approved punches are included in Actual Labor costs in 7shifts reports and are included in the Labor Summary.

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