PTO: Create Time Off Policies

Time Off Policies in 7shifts help employers stay compliant with labor laws and efficiently manage vacation and sick leave entitlements. By creating policies, employers can streamline requests and ensure accurate tracking of entitlements.

This guide provides instructions for Admin users on creating and managing time off policies in 7shifts. It also includes an overview of supported Accrual Types and Policy Settings.

⚠️ Access to this feature may require an upgrade from your existing plan.

Create Time Off Policies 

  1. Login to the web app as an Admin.
  2. Go to Settings > Company Settings.
  3. Select the Time Off tab.
  4. Enable Paid Time Off and/or Sick Paid Time Off settings.
  5. Under Policies, click + Create Policy
  6. Fill in the policy details. Customize based on the accrual type and Save. 

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Accrual Types: 

  • Fixed: Employees receive a set number of paid hours/day off per calendar year.

  • Hourly accrual: Paid time off is earned based on the number of hours worked.

  • Unlimited: There is no limit to the number of days off employees can take within a calendar year.

Policy Settings:

  • Waiting period for using: The number of days a new employee must wait before using the policy, based on their hire date.
  • Automatically prorate new employees based on start date: For Fixed policies,  adjusts time off entitlement based on the employee's hire date.
    • Example: If an employee starts mid-year and is entitled to 20 PTO days annually, they would receive 10 days for the remainder of the year.
  • Maximum carryover: The maximum amount of time off that can be carried into the next calendar year.
  • Maximum accrual: The maximum amount of paid time than an employee can accrue in a calendar year.
  • Waiting period for earning: For hourly accrual policies, the number of days a new employee must wait before earning PTO.
⚠️ Paid time off policies renew at the start of the calendar year and cannot be set to renew on an employee's hire date. 

Manage and Assign Policies in Bulk

After creating a Time Off Policy, Admin users can manage and assign employees in bulk:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Company Settings > Time Off.
  2. Click the edit pencil next to the policy.
  3. Review and update policy details as needed.
  4. To assign employees, select +Assign.
  5. Choose employees in bulk, then click Assign employees.
⚠️ An employee's Hire Date must be set to assign an Hourly Accrual time off policy. Learn how to set an employee's hire date here.

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Time off policies can also be managed individually in employee profiles. Learn how here.


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