Canadian Labor Compliance

cadbanner.pngTo remain compliant with the regional labor requirements for restaurants, employers in Canada must take certain measures to ensure they are scheduling in a compliant manner.

In this article, you'll learn how to enable Canadian labor compliance in 7shifts, understand the types of labor exceptions, and run reports to help you stay compliant.


⚠️ Access to this feature may require an upgrade from your current plan.

⚠️ The Labor Exceptions report is only available with 7punches or a POS labor integration.

⚠️ Managers/Assistant Managers require permissions 'Can manage time punches', 'Can manage exceptions', and 'Can run reports'.

Enable Labor Compliance 

  1. Log in as an Admin on the web app.
  2. In the left navigation bar, head to Settings (or, hover over your profile photo) > Company Settings.

  3. Select the Labor & Compliance tab.
  4. Under Jurisdiction, select a province:

  5. Review and set your overtime, break, custom break, and wages & pay settings.
  6. Under the Advanced Labor section, compliance settings will automatically populate as per the Jurisdiction set earlier. Checkmark the options according to your preferences:
    Screenshot 2024-11-04 at 7.21.12 PM.png
  7. Be sure to hit Save to complete these changes!
  8. To restore default settings (including Overtime rules), click Re-sync labor & compliance settings:

Types of Exceptions in Canada

Reporting Pay

Reporting Pay is a form of wages that compensates employees who are scheduled to report to work and are sent home before the conclusion of their scheduled shift. These employees are entitled to be paid for unworked hours.

  • Employees who report working for any length of a shift are entitled to receive at least 3 hours at the applicable minimum rate - regardless if their shift was cut and they worked less than 3 hours.

  • Employees located in Yukon will receive at least 2 hours at the applicable minimum rate (as opposed to 3 hours) - regardless if their shift was cut and they worked less than 3 hours.

⚠️ Reporting pay is available to all provinces and territories, except for British Columbia.

⚠️ Reporting Pay hours do not contribute to calculating hours worked, such as overtime hours.

⚠️ If rounding rules have been enabled for 7punches, this may affect shifts eligible for Reporting Pay and the costs associated.

To enable Reporting Pay

  1. Login as an Admin on the web app.
  2. In the left navigation bar, head to Settings  > Company Settings > Labor & Compliance.

  3. From the Jurisdiction dropdown menu, select your province.
    If you currently have your jurisdiction set to Canada Federal, no changes are needed. If you are setting it up for the first time, please select your province:
  4. Under the section Advanced Labor, enable Reporting Pay.
  5. Be sure to hit Save to complete these changes!

View Exception Warnings

Once Reporting Pay has been enabled, it will automatically appear for Admins and Managers in the following areas: 

On the Schedule page

To avoid/reduce exceptions, you will be warned about potential exceptions as you make changes to your schedule. Each time you make a change to a shift that causes one or more exceptions, a warning modal will appear indicating the type of exception and the associated cost. 

exceptions detected pop u (1).png

Before publishing a schedule, view a summary of potential exceptions, costs, and details. Once published, each exception appears in the report.

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Once published, the exception will be recorded in the report. Changing a shift multiple times can incur an exception each time, so be sure to consider the costs before making last-minute schedule changes.

In the Shift Pool

You will also see a warning when assigning shifts through the Shift Pool that could cause an exception:


In Time Clocking

On the Time Clocking page as an exception warning:


On a Punch Overview:


Admins and Managers/Assistant Managers (with permissions) can click on the warning to further dismiss/restore an exception warning:

In Reports

The Worked Hours and Wages Report:

Similarly, you can export the report directly from a closed timesheet:


The Labor Exceptions Report:


The Punch Audit Report, when the exception has been dismissed:



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