Add Employees

Whether you're adding a single employee or importing a staff list into 7shifts, this article will walk you through each step to ensure that your team members are properly set up in the system.

Once completed, the information you enter will form their 7shifts Employee Profile - a digital record that contains all personal and work information.

⚠️ Before adding employees, make sure that you have set up your Account Structure. Learn more here.

⚠️ Managers/Assistant Managers require permissions 'Can add employees'.

Add Employees Individually

Manually enter their personal information and add one Employee profile.

Use the tabs to change your viewing preferences through the mobile or web app.

Mobile 📱 Web 🖥️
  1. Log in to the mobile app > click on the menu iconmenuicon.png in the bottom navigation bar > select My Team.
  2. Tap on the icon.
  3. Choose to Add on my own or Add from contacts.

    If... Then...
    You selected Add on my own Manually enter their profile details.
    You selected Add from contacts Select a user from your device's list of contacts, and we'll auto-fill the first/last name, email, and phone number fields. 

    Key pieces of information to enter in the Employee's profile include:

    • First and last name. Note that 7shifts does not allow multiple users within the same account to have the same. 
    • Email address (all staff will require a valid email address to log into 7shifts)
    • Mobile number (for SMS and push notifications)
    • Their assigned Locations, Departments, and Roles
    • Wage information - Once the Location field has been set, the Wage field will default to the corresponding minimum wage for that Location's state/province. Otherwise, you are able to remove/edit this figure to your discretion.
  4. Add Assignments by selecting at least one Location, Department, and Role:

  5. When selecting a Role, you'll have the ability to unassign them from the department, or set them to 'don't appear on schedule':

  6. (optional) Update their user type, add HR and Payroll Information (i.e. wage), or add any notes about this Employee.
  7. Hit Save to complete this Employee profile and add them to your team!

Add Employees from the Schedule

Employees can be added directly from the schedule allowing you to add new Employees without navigating away from your current task. Schedule them for shifts without having to leave the Schedule page.
  1. Log in to the web app.
  2. In the left navigation bar, head to Schedule. From here, you have the following options to add new employees: 
  3. Select Add Employees in the top left > Create new employees:

    If the user already exists in the 7shifts account, select Assign existing employees.

  4. In theScreenshot 2024-06-08 at 2.35.12 PM.pngList by Role layout, +Add Employee will appear under each empty Role (with no employees added). 
  5. In the Screenshot 2024-06-08 at 2.35.12 PM.pngList layout, the +Add Employee option will appear below the existing list of employees on the schedule. 
    Screenshot 2024-06-08 at 2.33.36 PM.png
  • Fill in a few details for the Employee:
    • First and last name
    • Email address (all staff will require a valid email address to log into 7shifts)
    • Mobile number (for SMS and push notifications)
    • Their designated Roles that they will perform

  • (optional) Check the Invite employees via email/phone, or you can do this later from their profile if you're not ready.
  • Click Add Employees to confirm and save these new profiles.

    From here, you'll be taken back to the Schedule page and can begin scheduling these employees right away. To input additional information for these employees such as wage, punch ID, skill level, etc. See steps here.


Add Multiple Employee at Once (Importing)

Bulk add Employees.

Use the tabs to change your viewing preferences through the mobile or web app.

Mobile 📱 Web 🖥️
⚠️ To import employees, Managers and Assistant Managers require permissions: Can add employees

⚠️ All staff will require a valid email address to log into 7shifts.

⚠️ If an Employee has multiple wages, you must first enable Wage-based Roles on the web app under Company Settings Labor & Compliance.

Follow these steps to import contacts from your phone: 

  1. Log in to the mobile app > click on the menu icon menuicon.png in the bottom navigation bar > select My Team.
  2. Tap on the icon > select Add from Contacts:

  3. You'll be prompted to allow 7shifts to access your contact list. Select OK:


  4. Tap on the contacts you want to import > tap on Next: 

  5. Assign this individual to the appropriate Locations, Departments, Roles, and User Type:

  6. Tap on 'Save and Next Employee', to add Assignments for all your selected contacts. 
  7. Once you've completed profile information for the last contact, tap Done:

    Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 12 Pro Max - 2022-03-17 at 10.32.07 copy (1).png
  8. Choose to invite employees now, or later:
  9. Success! You're all done.

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