Role & Employee Mapping - Integrations

role mapping bannerIf you are integrated with a POS or payroll system that syncs labor data, you will need to complete the mappings between 7shifts and your POS or payroll system. This involves matching the Roles and Employees in 7shifts to their counterparts in your POS or payroll provider to ensure accurate data syncing.

Having your Employee mapping completed is especially important when using the following features:

In this article, you'll learn how to navigate the mapping pages to connect your Roles and Employees for seamless labor data synchronization.

Accessing the Mapping page

Here's how to navigate the mapping page:

  1. Log in to the web app as an Admin.
  2. If you haven't already integrated, click here to find the specific steps to enable any of our available POS or payroll integrations.
  3. Going forward, your Integration Mapping page can be found under Apps & Integrations > Mapping.
  4. On the mapping page, you can:
    Map Roles
    Map Employees
    Filter by location, integration, and mapping statuses
    Sort by name or mapping status

  5. You'll want to ensure that you map your specific Roles and Employees between your systems so that your labor data can sync properly with 7shifts. 
  6. Here’s a breakdown of what each status filter shows and the recommended next steps:
    Mapping Status Filter What to Do Next
    All Mapping Status

    Shows all Roles regardless of their current mapping status.
    Review this filter to ensure all Roles are correctly mapped. Unset Ignored status for Roles that need mapping.

    Lists Roles that are already linked between your POS/payroll and 7shifts.
    No further action needed unless you need to correct a match.

    Lists Roles that need to be manually mapped to their counterpart in 7shifts.
    Manually map these Roles to the corresponding Role in 7shifts.

    Lists Roles that are excluded from syncing between your POS/payroll and 7shifts.
    Review these Roles to ensure they should remain Ignored or unset the Ignored status if they need mapping.

Role Mapping

This is how you can match your Roles in 7shifts to their counterparts in your POS or payroll provider.

⚠️ The following POS integrations will be exempt from Role mapping: Lightspeed, Squirrel, and TouchBistro.

⚠️ As terminology can vary between systems, your Roles are the specific job codes, positions, department codes, or job titles that each Employee has assigned to them. Typically their wages are associated with this role/job code.

To map your Roles:

  1. In the left navigation bar, head to Apps & Integrations > Mapping.
  2. Select the Roles tab.
  3. Use the filters to narrow down your results by location, integration, and mapping status.
  4. 7shifts will automatically map any Roles that already exist between your POS/payroll and 7shifts, if they are both spelled the same way, with identical spacing. You'll find those under the Mapped status
  5. Roles that cannot be automatically matched will appear under the Unmapped or Ignored tabs. 
  6.  Match any roles/job codes from your POS/payroll, that are used for punching in, to its counterpart Role in 7shifts.

  7. With any integration, we do not support the ability to map more than one POS job code with the same Role in 7shifts. Map/match only one 7shifts Role to a single Role on your POS (one-to-one pairs).
      In this case, it is best to add additional Roles within 7shifts so that the pairs made while mapping are still a one-to-one ratio.

    Example: The Role 'Bartender' in 7shifts could match with the job code 'Bar Keeper' but not also the job code 'Bar Assistant' on your POS. Create a new Role for 'Bar Assistant' in 7shifts to match the job code on your POS.
  8. If the Role is not used for tracking labor data, move it to the Ignored section. Choosing to set a Role as Ignored means that data under this Role will not sync between your POS or Payroll integration and 7shifts.
  9. If an incorrect match was made, you can correct it by unmatching the Role. The Role will then be listed under Unmapped, and you can assign it correctly from there.

Employee Mapping

This is how you will be able to match your employees in 7shifts to their counterparts in your POS or payroll provider.

Each time you add a new employee to 7shifts, your POS, or payroll provider, you'll need to ensure that they are properly mapped.

To map your employees:

  1. In the left navigation bar, head to Apps & Integrations > Mapping.
  2. Select the Employees tab. You'll see the users that you have set up within 7shifts vs. the users that exist within your POS or payroll provider.
    ⚠️ If you are integrated with TouchBistro POS, users will show up on the Employee Mapping page as long as they've clocked in and out at least once into TouchBistro.
  3. 7shifts will automatically map any Roles that already exist between your POS/payroll and 7shifts, if they are both spelled the same way, with identical spacing. You'll find those under the Mapped status.
  4. Employees that cannot be automatically matched will be under the Unmapped or Ignored tab.
  5. Match any Employees from your POS (that will be punching in) to their counterpart user profile in 7shifts. The same applies if you will need to sync their time-clocking data when processing payroll:

    • Match: Simply find the corresponding employee in the list
    • Ignore: You'll want to Ignore if the employee will never need to clock in/out (i.e. Salaried employees)
    • Create: This will add the employee to 7shifts, allowing you to start scheduling them. (POS integrations only)

  6. If the Employee does not clock in on your POS or needs their hours synced for payroll, move them to the Ignored section. 
  7. If an incorrect match is made, you can always correct the mistake by unmatching them. The employee will then be listed under Unmapped and you can assign them correctly from there.
  8. (Only available for POS integrations) Use the New employee in 7shifts option if Employees are not in your 7shifts account yet and you'd like to add them directly from the Mapping Page.

    ⚠️ When adding a New Employee in 7shifts for certain POS systems, email addresses won't sync. As a result, employee profiles created through the mapping page won't include an email and won't automatically receive a 7shifts invitation.

    This applies to the following POS systems: Aloha POS, Micros 3700 POS, Positouch POS, Squirrel POS.  
    ⚠️ If you're integrated with Toast POS, you can create an Employee in Toast directly if they only exist in 7shifts.
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