How to Assign Employees with No Role

After Locations/Departments/Roles have been added to 7shifts, assigning these Roles to the corresponding employees is important to accurately reflect their jobs and positions. It also ensures that employees are correctly displayed in the schedule, otherwise, they will appear as No Role on the Schedule page and may skew your reporting figures.

In this article, you’ll learn how to assign Roles if one was not set upon employee creation, either from the Schedules page or within an employee profile.


⚠️ Managers and Assistant Managers require the permission Can edit employees, and will only have access to edit those who share the same Location/Department.

 Users cannot make profile edits for those that share the same user level type.

Assign Roles

Use the tabs to change your viewing preferences through the mobile or web app:

Mobile 📱 Web 🖥️
  1. Log in to the mobile app.

  2. Tap on the More menu icon More menu mobileMy Team.

  3. Search and tap on an employee to expand their profile.

  4. Tap on the Assignments tab.

  5. Select an existing Department or click Add to assign them to a new Location/Department.

  6. On the Roles page, check mark a Role you would like them to perform.

  7. (optional) Tap the star icon to set their Primary Role.

  8. (optional) Tap the more options icon horizontal ellipses more options.png to unassign them from the department or to set them to appear on schedule:

  9. These changes will automatically save as you make them.


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