Punch IDs for Employees

When you are first getting 7punches set up within your 7shifts account, you can either have 7shifts auto-assign punch IDs or you can assign punch IDs yourself.

⚠️ For those setting up 7tasks only (and will not be using 7punches), you will need to follow the steps here: to manually self-assign each employee their punch IDs.
Auto-Assign vs. Self-Assign
Emailing Punch IDs to Staff
If an Employee forgets their own Punch ID

Auto-Assign vs. Self-Assign

⚠️ The option to auto-assign punch IDs is only available when first enabling 7punches.

1. If are setting up 7punches and choose to auto-assign IDs, make sure you have the box (shown below) checked. 

2. Once you click 'Next', each Employee will have a 4-digit punch ID auto-generated for you within their Employee profile, found under the 'Employment' tab. 

Self-Assign Punch IDs:

If you are only using 7tasks or prefer to assign a number yourself, you can do this from an Employee's profile. 

⚠️ Managers cannot assign Punch IDs to fellow Managers as they are at the same hierarchy level. They would only assign them from a user that is an Assistant Manager or Employee.

1. To update this, go to Team > Employees: 

2. Select an Employee to edit their user profile, and click on the 'Employment' tab.

3. Enter their Punch ID # in the 'Punch ID' field and remember to click 'Save.'

⚠️You can have up to 12-digits for an Employee’s punch ID, but try to keep it between 4-6 digits. These digits must be numerical characters only.
❗️Within your account, multiple users cannot have the same punch ID. This includes inactive employees

Emailing Punch IDs to Staff

⚠️ Only Admins will have access to this function. 

Once you are ready, Admins can email everyone their own punch IDs.

1. Go to Team > Employees:

2. Click Bulk Actions :

Screenshot 2024-02-26 at 9.45.23 AM.png

3. Select Email Employees their punch IDs.

All of your Employees will then be emailed their individual punch IDs. 


⚠️ If you have already used this function before, in the future it will only send a notification to any Employees and Managers who have not yet received an email containing their punch ID.

If an Employee forgets their own Punch ID

If an Employee has been assigned a punch ID but can't remember it, they can find their punch ID in the 7shifts mobile app by:

1. Going to the 7shifts icon > selecting their profile picture in the top left corner > Edit profile

2. Their punch ID will appear for them there.

⚠️ The punch ID field will be greyed out as Employees cannot edit this information from their end. 
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