Timesheet History: Historical Labor Data Snapshots

In 7shifts, every time a Pay Period is closed, a snapshot of the current time clocking data is captured and retained. These snapshots ensure that any changes made after re-opening and adjusting a Pay Period are recorded in a new snapshot, providing a complete historical record of labor data. This article guides Admins and Managers on accessing and reviewing these snapshots and changes within Pay Period data.

⚠️ Please Note: This feature was introduced in October 2024. As a result, Timesheet History is only available for Pay Periods from October 17, 2024, onward. Pay Periods closed before this date will not display historical data or snapshots.
⚠️ Managers and Assistant Managers need the 'Can manage time punches' permission to view time punches and access timesheet history for assigned Locations.

Accessing Historical Timesheet History: 

  1. Login to the web app as an Admin or a Manager/Assistant Manager with permissions.
  2. Navigate to Time Clocking > Pay Periods, click Review next to the pay period in question.
  3. Click on the History Icon Screenshot 2024-11-06 at 5.15.15 PM.png to access Timesheet History. 

Screenshot 2024-11-06 at 5.12.18 PM.png

Timesheet History Details and Actions:

Within the Timesheet History, you can view detailed information about each action taken including:

  • Action: Indicates if the Pay Period or Location Timesheet was:
    • Opened: Initial state; pay periods are automatically opened based on the payroll frequency set up by the account admin during time clocking setup.
    • Closed: Admins or Managers/Assistant Managers with the appropriate permissions must manually close a timesheet, effectively locking it from further edits.
      Learn more about closing timesheets here.
    • Reopened: Admins or Managers/Assistant Managers with permissions can manually reopen a closed timesheet, allowing further adjustments.
      Learn more about reopening timesheets here.
  • Timestamp: Shows the exact Date and Time of the action and specifies the Pay Period or Location Timesheet affected, providing a clear record of changes over time.
  • User: Identifies the user who performed each action, adding transparency and accountability for any modifications.

Download Labor Snapshot (Worked Hours & Wages Report)

Admins or Managers with access to all locations can download the Worked Hours & Wages report (CSV), capturing labor data each time the Pay Period is closed. This report provides a reliable record for audits or reviews and can only be downloaded once all Location timesheets are closed, or an Admin closes the Pay Period.

⚠️ Multi-Location Limitations: For accounts with multiple Locations, Managers assigned to a single Location cannot download this report, as it consolidates data from all Locations. Admins will need to handle these downloads for historical snapshotted data.

Screenshot 2024-11-06 at 5.24.43 PM.png

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