View Time Off Requests

When employees submit their time off requests, they will be housed under the Time Off tab. However, there are other areas in app where you'll have the opportunity to review these requests to manage time off. 

In this article, you'll discover the areas where you'll see pending time off requests that require your attention.


⚠️ Admins can manage the Time Off settings for the account under Settings > Company Settings > Time Off.

⚠️ Manager/Assistant Managers can only access requests from other users that are assigned the same Locations and Departments they are assigned to.

⚠️ Managers/Assistant Managers will also require one or both of the following permissions: Can approve/decline employee time off request, can approve their own time off.

View Time Off

Use the tabs to change your viewing preferences through the mobile or web app:

Mobile 📱 Web 🖥️
When a new request comes through, you'll see a red notification dot in the More menu ☰:

  1. In the More menu ☰ , head to Time Off:

  2. Under the Request tab, you'll see all time of requests. You can also change tabs to view all approved requests, as well as your own requests:

  3. Tap on a pending requests to expand more details:

    time off request details


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