Customize Your Schedule Layout

Scheduling with 7shifts becomes even easier as you customize and adjust your Schedule page. Take the time to familiarize yourself with the various options and before you know it you'll be a scheduling pro in no time.

In this article, you'll learn how to navigate and arrange your Schedule Layouts to fit your viewing needs.


⚠️ When changing the Schedule Layout view, this will also change the Layout for all Admins as well as any Managers and Assistant Managers with the permission to edit Schedules.


You can choose from three different layout options to display and manage shifts: 

The layout menu icon allows you to switch and customize your schedule layout. By default, the Account will start with the List by role layout.



 In this view, users are listed in order of succession based on when they were added to the Account: 

Customize the order of how your Employees will appear. Simply click and drag the Employee name cell and arrange them in the desired order:

Below each employee's name, you can view their scheduled hours for the week and the total labor costs. These costs are calculated based on the hourly wage or weekly salary entered in the employee's profile.

If you manage multiple locations, the total hours for all locations will be displayed. However, labor costs will only be shown for the location you are currently viewing:

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⚠️ A salaried Employee or Manager will only have their labor costs show for the Department Schedules they are set to appear for. This setting is found in their employee profile under the 'Assignments' tab.

⚠️ If Appear on schedule is disabled for a Department, a portion of their salary will not be divided into that Department.


List by Role

The List by Role layout will list your Employees under Role headers. If an Employee is assigned to multiple Roles, they will be listed under the Role you have designated as their Primary Role. From there, you can then assign shifts to each Employee.

To have an Employee appear under a different Role title, simply click and hold to drag and drop the Employee's name to another Role:


Time Frames

In this layout, the schedule is organized by Role and shift time. This view helps ensure you have the right coverage for each shift time.

When you click to add a shift in a specific Time Frame, you can see all available employees, and how many hours each employee is already scheduled to work.

Click here to find out how to create Time Frames in your account. You can also add new ones directly on the Schedules page using the Time Frames layout.

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