Password Reset and Login

How to reset your own password

If you've forgotten your password, you can request a secure password reset on the sign-in page.

    1. Click on the Forgot password? link:

    2. Type in the email you currently use to sign in to 7shifts and click on Send instructions:

      Screenshot 2024-05-07 at 4.24.33 PM.png

    3.  You will receive an email with a password reset link. (Please be sure to check your spam/junk inbox if you don't see this email initially.)

      ⚠️ This link will be valid for 24 hours and will then expire.
    4.  Enter your new password, and ensure you fulfill the password requirements.

      Admin/Manager/Assistant Manager user type  passwords must meet these complexity rules:

          • Min. 8 characters
          • 1 uppercase letter
          • 1 number
          • No sequences (abc, 123)
          •  No personal info (name, email)
          • 1 lowercase letter
          • No 3 characters repeating (aaa, 111)

      Employee user type passwords must meet these complexity rules:

          • Min: 8 characters
          • 1 uppercase letter
          • 1 lowercase letter
          • 1 number or symbol
          • No personal information (3-letter match of your name)
    5. You will be returned to the login screen, where you can sign in using your new password.

How to reset a password for an Employee

If you're an Admin, Manager, or Assistant Manager, you can help an Employee who has forgotten their password to 7shifts by doing the following:

    1. Go to Team > Employees.

    2. Click on the employee's user profile.

    3. Under the Personal tab in the employee's profile, click Send password reset:

That's it!

This will send them a secure password reset request directly to the email address under their user profile. They'll be able to follow the steps to reset their own password and sign in once again.

If the employee has not been invited to 7shifts yet, please follow the steps here instead


⚠️ If you're having issues with gaining access to your Account, check out this article here. 

Q: My email is incorrect, how do I get my invite to 7shifts?

A: To have your email corrected, please reach out to your Employer directly. From here, they'll update the e-mail that you were set up with, and send you a new invite. Once you have received your invitation, you can refer to these articles which cover:

Logging into 7shifts for the First Time

Q: My invite e-mail has expired, how do I get a new one?

A: Please reach out to your Employer directly to have them send you a new invite. When you receive your invitation again, you can refer to these articles which cover:

Logging into 7shifts for the First Time

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