Why are my pay period dates incorrect?


Why are my Time Clocking pay periods showing the wrong dates?

What To Do

What is most likely happening is that a user (with permission to manage pay periods) is editing the dates – not knowing that doing this changes the pay periods for the entire Account.

You may find it helpful to send a message to your Management team so that they're aware of this - and not to change the date ranges.

Rest assured, that making the following changes will not overwrite previous punches. All data that existed in Time Clocking before will remain.

To edit your pay period dates: 

⚠️ Adjusting Time Clocking pay periods in 7shifts will trigger a recalculation in tips, due to the change of dates. This recalculation can lead to tip discrepancies and impact the amounts reflected in Tip Payouts, Tips to Payroll, and Tip Pooling.

  1. Log in to the web app.
  2. Go to Time Clocking.
  3. Click on the More options more-options-ellipses.png icon next to the pay period you need to edit the dates for.
  4. Select Edit this Pay Period's dates.
  5. Choose your new start/end dates for your pay period.
  6. Click OK:


You can think of your pay periods as folders. The date ranges that are visible will include all the punches within that specific timeframe. Adjusting this date range will only affect the current pay period. Future pay periods will continue to follow your original pay schedule.

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