What happens in a tip pool if a role doesn't work that day?


How does the tip pool work if a role isn’t scheduled that day?


If the role does not work that day, the remaining tips will be distributed between the other roles in accordance with the rules that you have set up.

For example, let's say your Lunch Tip Pooling rules are set to :

  • Bartenders contribute 100%.
  • Tips to be distributed amongst Bartenders (80%), Barback (15%), and Host (5%).

If everyone is working, and Bartenders contribute $100,  the tips will be distributed as:

  • Bartender = $80
  • Barback = $15
  • Host = $5

If your Barback calls in sick, and Bartenders contribute $100, the tips will be distributed between the roles that are present:

  • Bartender = $94.12
  • Host = $5.88


Getting Started : Tip Pooling

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