Use Employee Bulk Actions

Your team management process just got easier with the Employee Bulk Editing tool! Instead of individually handling each Employee profile, you can effortlessly apply actions to multiple users simultaneously in 7shifts. Save time without compromising productivity or accuracy.

⚠️ Access to this feature may require an upgrade from your existing plan.

To access the Bulk Editor:

  1. Log in to the web app as an Admin or Manager/Assistant Manager with permissions.

  2. In the left navigation bar, head to Teams > select the Bulk actions button :

Bulk Assign a Role

If you selected Bulk assign a role, you can assign a role to multiple employees at once.

⚠️ Bulk assigning a role will also re-assign the user to the Location and Department above the Role.

⚠️ To bulk assign a role, Managers/Assistant Managers require permission: Can edit employees.

⚠️ Managers/Assistant Managers cannot bulk assign Roles to users who have the same user level type as themselves.

  1. Select an existing role to assign > select Next :

  3. Checkmark which employees you would like to be added to the Role > hit Next. Use the filters to help narrow down your search.

    Any employees that were previously assigned to this Role will be excluded from the list.

  4. Review and confirm that the select Employees are to be assigned to this Role, and select Add employees:

  5. You're done! The selected employees have now been added to their new Role, and the corresponding Location/Department.
Bulk Edit Wages

⚠️ To bulk edit wages, Managers/Assistant Managers require permission: Can edit employees, and Can view wages.

If you select Bulk edit wages, you can assign a wage to multiple employees at once. Use the dropdown menus below depending on whether the Account has Wage-based roles enabled or disabled.

Wage-based Roles Enabled
  1. Select the role you'd like to edit. You can use the filters to narrow down your results:

    ⚠️ You can only bulk edit one role at a time.  

  2. Click Next.

  3. Checkmark the Employees you want to assign this wage to. Use the filters to narrow down your results.

    You can use the Wage filter to further narrow down your search results by your Employee's current min/max wage range, or by a specific wage value:

  4. Click Next.

  5. Choose to Use the same wage for everyone (shown in the image below), or manually enter in a New Wage/New Effective date.

    Screenshot 2023-07-28 at 4.31.39 PM.png
  6.  Click Next. 

  7. Review the wages to be updated > click Edit wages to confirm these changes:

  8.  Success! The wages have been updated.
Wage-based Roles Disabled
  1. Select the employees you'd like to edit. You can use the filters to narrow down your search results:

    You can use the Wage filter to further narrow down your search results by your Employee's current min/max wage range, or by a specific wage value:

  2. Click Next.

  3. Choose to Use the same wage for everyone (shown in the image below), or manually enter in a New Wage/New Effective date.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Review the wages to be updated > click Edit wages to confirm these changes:

  6.  Success! The wages have been updated.
Bulk Invite

⚠️ Managers/Assistant Managers require permission: Can add employees, or Can edit employees, or Can deactivate employees.

  1. Select the Employees you would like to invite:

  2. Enter the emails for any Employees with missing emails > click Continue. This will automatically update their user profile.

  3. Verify the Employees being invited:
    Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 2.52.59 PM.png
  4. Click Invite Employees. 

  5.  Success! The employees have been invited.
Bulk Deactivate

⚠️ Managers/Assistant Managers require permission: Can delete employees.

  1. Select the Employees you would like to deactivate:
  3.  Bulk apply a reason for deactivation with the option to add comments. At this step, the selected Employees will immediately lose access to their 7shifts Account.Screenshot 2023-09-22 at 2.59.26 PM.png
  4. Hit Next, and the employees have been deactivated.

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