Wage-based Roles in 7shifts

When managing employee wages in 7shifts, you have the flexibility to assign either a single wage rate or multiple pay rates. By default, your 7shifts account will allow users to only have a single Hourly Wage rate applied to all shifts, regardless of the Roles they may work.

Before entering wages for your employees, it's best practice to determine whether you'd like to have a single wage for them or use Wage-based Roles.

Wage-based Roles allow you to assign multiple pay rates to employees, that is a separate wage for each Role. The wage applied to a shift will be based on both the Role they were assigned to work and the individual wage assigned to that Role under the employee's profile.

⚠️ The Wage-based Roles setting is also required to use the 'Wage Sync' feature (offered with select POS integrations).
⚠️ This setting will not impact salaried employees.

To enable the Wage-based Roles setting

1. As an Admin, navigate to Settings (or your profile icon at the top right) > Company Settings > Labor & Compliance.

2. Check the box next to 'Wage-based Roles' to use separate wages for each Role.

3. Be sure to click 'Save' at the bottom of the page.

4. Once you've done that, you'll need to assign their wages under Team > Employees > the specific employee > Wages :

Click here to find out more about editing the wage or salary for a staff member.
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