Tasks Report

If you are using 7tasks, you can run a detailed report of task completion across multiple Locations for a customizable date range. This data can be analyzed further to spot the most efficient locations and employees and identify areas for improvement.

⚠️ Managers and Assistant Managers will only be able to access reports for the Locations their user profile is assigned to. They will also require both of the following Manager Permissions:

  • Can run reports
  • Can manage tasks

1. To run the Tasks report, head to Reports > Tasks.

2. Next, select the date range and your Location(s). You can select one, some, or all of your Locations.

3. Then, click on Get report.


⚠️ Please note that task data is only available since January 1, 2022 and the date range cannot exceed 30 days.

The Tasks report will then immediately download as a CSV file. Once downloaded, you can filter the data, turn it into a pivot table, or import it into an external database for analysis.


The CSV file includes the following information:

  • Start Date
  • Start Time
  • Due Date
  • Due Time
  • Time Frame End
  • Timezone
  • Location
  • Task List
  • List Recurrence
  • Task
  • Task Type
  • Completion Status
  • Task Assignment (Department)
  • Task Assignment (Role)
  • Task Assignment (Employee)
  • Task Tagged (Employee)
  • Completed By
  • Time Completed
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