Check Your Schedule

Once your Manager releases the 7shifts schedule, you’ll receive notifications via push/text and email alerts. Check your notification preferences for detailed instructions on managing these alerts.

This article will guide you through viewing and checking your 7shifts schedule. You can see the full schedule from the web app at, or by downloading the free 7shifts mobile app:



Use the tabs to change your viewing preferences through the mobile or web app:

Mobile 📱 Web 🖥️

There are 2 main areas in the mobile app where you can access your schedule: the Dashboard and the Schedule tabs.

Screenshot 2024-04-29 at 12.32.57 PM.png

From the Dashboard, tap on your shift for the day at the top, or tap on a specific shift under Your upcoming shifts:


Using either option, you will be taken directly to the Shift DetailsHere you can see:

  • Shift start/end time
  • Location, Department, and Role for the shift
  • The Station or Shift Notes for the shift
  • Events
  • Who you are working with
  • Choose 'Find Cover' to trade shifts or offer it to the Shift Pool if you are unable to work that shift

From the Schedule tab, get a more comprehensive view of your shifts by following the steps below:

  1. Tap the My shifts tab to see all of your shifts:

    Screenshot 2024-04-29 at 12.47.51 PM.png
  3. Tap the calendar icon at the top to skip to the current day's schedule:

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  4. Swipe through and tap the days at the top to view specific days or weeks. Alternatively, tap on the month to bring down the calendar picker. The dot icon indicates the days you are scheduled to work:


  5. Tap on a specific shift to view the Shift Details. This includes:

    • Shift start/end time
    • Location, Department, and Role for the shift
    • The Station or Shift Notes for the shift
    • Events
    • Who you are working with
    • Choose 'Find Cover' to trade shifts or offer it to the Shift Pool if you are unable to work that shift

  6. Tap on the Schedule tab to view the full schedule, including your coworkers' shifts. You can use the filters to narrow down your results by Location, Department, Role, or Employee:


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