Approve or Deny Time Off Requests

Employees will submit a time off request if they need to book vacation days or have days that they cannot work. All of an Employee's time off requests in 7shifts must be approved by their Admin, Manager, or Assistant Manager before they're finalized.


⚠️Managers do not receive/approve Time Off requests from fellow Managers as they are at the same hierarchy level. They would only receive them from a user who is an Assistant Manager or Employee that shares the same Locations and Department.

⚠️ Managers/Assistant Managers will also require one or both of the following permissions: Can approve/decline employee time off request, can approve their own time off.

Approve or Deny a Request

Use the tabs to change your viewing preferences through the mobile or web app:

Mobile 📱 Web 🖥️

  1. In the More menu ☰ , head to Time Off.


  2. Under the Request tab, you'll see all time of requests. You can also change tabs to view all approved requests, as well as your own requests:


  3. Tap on a pending requests to expand more details:

    time off request details


  4. Choose to Approve the request.

  5. Or, click on the More options icon to Delete, Edit, Decline a request:

    Time Off.png

  6. Whether you choose to Approve or Decline it, you will be able to leave a comment which will be included when the approval/declined notification is sent to the employee.


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