Engage Dashboard Overview

The Engage Dashboard available on the Dashboard and Team pages provides key insights into employee satisfaction and performance, helping boost productivity, customer satisfaction, and retention.

In this article, we'll navigate the various sections of the Engage Dashboard from the Dashboard page.

Click here to learn more about the Engage Dashboard Overview on the Team page.


⚠️ Managers/Assistant Managers can only view the Locations assigned to them.

On the Dashboard, use the filters to:

  • Date Range selection: Use the date picker to choose a week and see data from previous periods per week or month.
  • View by user type: Filter by Manager, Assistant Manager, Employee, or all user types.
  • Export: Export the dashboard data to your local device.
  • Sort: Sort your data ascending/descending by lates, n shows, dropped shifts, shift bids, average shift score, and average tenure.

You’ll see the total and Location-specific metrics for the selected date range:

  • Avg. Lates: Percentage of late arrivals across your locations, helping identify punctuality issues.
  • Avg. No Shows: Percentage of no-show shifts, showing how reliable your team is in showing up for scheduled shifts.
  • Avg. Dropped Shifts: The rate at which employees drop their scheduled shifts.
  • Avg. Shift Score: A rating metric based on shift feedback submitted by your team.
  • Avg. Tenure: The average number of days employees have been with your organization, indicating staff retention levels.

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