Certifications Report

View, sort, filter, and download a report of your employees’ certifications and their expiry dates within 7shifts.

⚠️  Managers/Assistant Managers will only be able to run a Certification Report for the Location(s) that they're assigned to.  

⚠️  Managers/Assistant Managers require permissions: 'Can edit employees', 'Can manage employee certifications'.

To run a report:

  1. Login as a Manager/Assistant Manager with permissions.

  2. In the left navigation bar, select Reports.

  3. Select Certifications on the left-hand menu:

  4. You can filter the report by Location, Certification Type, Certification Status, and employees scheduled today.

    Or, sort your report further by clicking on the column headings (Employee name, Certification status, and Expiry date).

    ⚠️ The file links are authenticated, and only users with permissions can view the files when the URL is shared.

  5.  Click Export CSV to download the report onto your local device.
    Here's an example of an exported Certification Report:

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