Delete Punches

If your team uses 7punches for time clocking, or sync punches from an integrated POS,  Admin and Manager/Assistant Manager users can delete punches in 7shifts, both on web and mobile. Use the tabs to switch your viewing preferences between the mobile and web app to learn how.

⚠️Punches can be deleted by Manager/Assistant Manager users assigned to that Location, with the permission: 'Can manage time punches'.
⚠️ If your team is syncing punches from an integrated POS, it's crucial to delete the punch in question from the POS as well. If the punch isn't deleted at the source, it will re-sync into the 7shifts time clocking records.

Mobile Web
  1. Log in to the mobile app > tap on the More menu ' ☰ ' in the bottom right corner of your screen > select Time Clocking.
  2. Use the filters to narrow down your results and use the tabs to switch between Unapproved and Approved punches:

    Untitled (500 x 457 px).gif
  3. Click on the blue Location icon to switch between locations:
  4. Tap on the calendar icon to view today's punches:

  5. Change the day by tapping on the date (or use the arrows to move forward/backward):
  6. Tap on a punch:

  7. Click on the more options icon > choose to Delete Punch:



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