View Shift Pool Requests

When employees submit their shift pool requests, they will be housed under the Shift Pool tab. 

In this article, you'll discover the areas in 7shifts where you'll see pending shift pool requests that require your attention.

View Shift Pool Requests

Shift pool requests that require your attention will have a red indicator next to it. Use the tabs to change your viewing preferences through the mobile or web app:

Mobile 📱 Web 🖥️
When a new request comes through, you'll see a red notification dot in the More menu ☰:

  1. In the More menu ☰ , head to Shift Pool:

  2. Under the Requests tab, review shift trade requests or any bids to take shifts that have been dropped.  The bids will be in the order of the first / oldest bid at the top, with the most recent bid at the bottom:

  3. In the Up for grabs tab, find shifts that are being offered up/dropped. Once another team member requests to take/bids on a shift, this request will be located in Shift Pool Requests for you to see:

  4. Under the Mine tab, view all your shift pool requests.

  5. Tap on the trade request to expand more details, approve, deny, and see if the trade will result in any potential overtime or labor exceptions.

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