ADP RUN Error: "An Unknown Error Occurred"


When attempting to export to ADP Run, here's what you can do if you encounter the following error messages:

"An unknown error occurred".

or "We are currently unable to send the export to ADP Run. Please ensure that ADP RUN has been properly configured and that the pay period has not been filled out".

What To Do

These error codes are usually due to leftover data from a previous import. In short, you need to delete this extra data in ADP Run before you can successfully export your data from 7shifts to ADP Run.

    1. Log into your ADP Run Account.

    2. Select Time Sheet Import from the home screen:

    3. Select the matching pay period frequency you're trying to send from 7shifts (there is often only one option):

    4. Select Delete above the errors that are listed in the pay period.

      At this step, pay close attention to any errors related to missing/required employee information to prevent export failures.

Issue Unresolved

If the issue persists, check that all employee information in ADP Run is correctly filled out and configured. 

Otherwise, feel free to get in touch with our Support team for further assistance.

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