Change Your 7shifts Plan

Your plan and add-ons apply to all of your Locations, ensuring consistent billing across your Account. This means you'll be billed the same amount per Location, except when add-ons apply. You have the flexibility to pay for all Locations with one payment method or different methods.

In this article, you'll learn how to change your plan. You can adjust your plan at any time, however, your downgrade options depend on your existing Account Structure, such as the number of Locations and Employees. 


⚠️ Only Admins can access and change the Account plan.

⚠️ Changing plans is available on the web app.

To change plans: 

  1. Log in to the web app as an Admin.

  2. In the left navigation bar, head to Settings > Plans.

  3. You will see your current plan:

    Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 9.47.14 AM.png

  4. Toggle the Bill monthly/annually slider to see your billing options:

  5. Scroll down to browse the available plans, features and pricing. Choose the one that best suits your needs.

    If you are downgrading, note that some of your feature options may be restricted based on your current Account Structure, such as the number of Locations and Employees. 

    If you don't see the option to downgrade your plan, please start a chat with our Support team for assistance.

  6. Click Choose plan name.

  7. Click Confirm & pay Done.

  8. You're all set! You'll be taken to your Billing page where you can review your subscriptions and payment methods.
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