Birthdays and Work Anniversaries

Promote a happier workplace by celebrating important staff events! Staff Birthdays and Work Anniversaries will appear on the Schedule as Events for Admins, Managers, and Assistant Managers.


⚠️ Access to this feature may require an upgrade from your current plan.

⚠️ Birthdays and work anniversaries will not appear in schedule notifications, daily roster reports, or printed schedules.

How Birthdays and Work Anniversary Events are created 

Birthdays and Work Anniversaries are auto-generated based on the hire date or birthday entered under their user profile.

⚠️ Admins and Managers/Assistant Managers with permissions (Can edit Employees) can enter Birthdays and Hire Dates to a user's profile

⚠️ Work Anniversaries cannot be deleted manually or edited like normal Events. This keeps it in sync with the user's actual work anniversary date in their profile.

These Events will resync every 24 hours. If there are any changes to a user’s profile, these Events will stay up to date with those changes. For example:

  • When a user enters or updates their birthday, 7shifts will create or update the Event.
  • When an employer enters or updates the user's hire date, 7shifts will create or update the Event.
  • When a user's Location assignment changes, the Event's Location(s) will update accordingly.
  • When a user has been made inactive, the Event will be deleted.

(Birthday field under an employee's profile)


Based on their date of birth, any Employees under the age of 16 and 18 will now have an indicator next to their name, allowing Scheduling Managers to easily identify if the employee they're scheduling is underage - and helps to ensure you stay labor compliant. 



Viewing Staff Birthdays and Work Anniversaries 

⚠️ Admins will have default access to view any Birthdays and Work Anniversaries Events. However, Managers and Assistant Managers will only be able to see an Event if they are assigned to the same Location as the Employee.

⚠️ Managers and Assistant Managers will require the Manager Permission 'Can manage events' to access the Events section.

⚠️ Employee user types cannot view Events.
    1. Birthdays and Work Anniversaries can be viewed directly on the Schedules page. These Events are all-day Events, so they will be listed before time-specific Events.


    2. By default, these types of Events will appear on the Events Page for Admins. However, Managers and Assistant Managers will require the Manager Permission 'Can manage events' to view this page specifically.


    3. On the Schedule or Events pages, you can click on the Event to view its details.


    4. These Events will also be visible on your daily roster when you go to the Dashboard > Who's working?


    5. On the Mobile app, Admins, Managers, and Assistant Managers can see these Events anywhere they see regular Events. For example, they can be viewed under the Schedules tab or under the Events section.

      (Schedules tab)


      (Events section)


Show/Hide Birthdays and Work Anniversaries on the Schedule 

To maximize schedule space and view the information best suited for you, you can show or hide the Birthdays and Work Anniversaries on the Schedule. Click on the 'Layout' icon Screenshot 2024-06-08 at 2.35.12 PM.pngand disable these settings to hide this information from the Schedule temporarily.

Screenshot 2024-07-09 at 2.41.45 PM.png

⚠️ Hiding Birthdays and Work Anniversaries from the Schedule view will also hide this information from the Events Calendar.
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