Onboarding for Employees: Complete Your Onboarding Package

Employee Onboarding is a paperless solution to help your employers collect, track, and store essential employee documents. You can prepare for your first day, in the same app where you manage your schedule, by easily filling out the required documents your manager has sent you.

This article will cover the steps new Employees will need to take to complete their onboarding package and send it to their employer for approval. 


⚠️ Employee Onboarding is only available for Accounts located in the US.

⚠️  Accounts using 7shifts Payroll can onboard as per: 7shifts Payroll for Employees.

To complete your Onboarding documents, use the tabs to change your viewing preferences through the mobile or web app:

Mobile Web
  1. Check your email, and look for an invitation email from your Employer.
  2. Tap Join your team to get started:
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  3. Set up your password, or use your Apple or Google account to sign in.
  4. Once logged in, tap the Onboarding documents option from the dashboard:
  5. You’ll see a list of required documents based on your state. Tap any form to start filling it out. Be sure not to close or reload the app otherwise, your progress may be lost.


    Only Accounts using 7shifts Payroll will see the Personal Information Form document. You will need to complete this form to be included in payroll.

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  6. After completing each document, tap Submit
  7. As you progress through your onboarding documents, we'll let you know about the outstanding ones and those that have been completed:
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  8. Continue until all forms are completed. Download (by tapping) and review company handbooks or policies as needed, then check the box and sign:


    ⚠️ Downloading behaviour will vary across devices, operating systems and browsers. If you use an Android device, swipe down on your screen to see the finished download. If you use an iOS device, you can save and view it in your Files app


  9. After submitting all documents, your employer will review them. Once approved, your onboarding is complete!


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