Employee Document & Certification Storage

Admins and Managers can upload an unlimited amount of Documents and Certifications housed under the Documents tab within an employee profile. Add, edit, and delete any Certifications and Documents under an employee's profile. 

This guide walks you through how to view onboarding progress, submit and review documents, and ensure your company settings are up-to-date for compliance purposes.

⚠️ Prerequisites
⚠️ Access to this feature may require an upgrade from your current plan.

⚠️ Documents and Certifications is only available via the web app.

⚠️ Deleting a Certification Type is permanent and cannot be undone. Deleting a type will remove it from all Certifications.

⚠️ Please note there are different levels of access to this feature depending on your permissions and user type level in 7shifts.

  • Access to upload, view, edit, and remove Certifications and Documents
  • Access to add/delete Certification Types

Managers/Assistant Managers

  • Require manager permissions: 'Can edit employees', 'Can manage employee certifications', 'Can manage employee documents'
  • Managers only have access to upload files for Assistant Managers and Employees
  • Assistant Managers only have access to upload files for Employees
  • Access to upload, view, edit, and remove Certifications and Documents


  • Can view their completed Onboarding documents.
  • Do not have access to Employee Certifications or Documents. Employees have no way of accessing any files stored under their Employee profile as this feature is designed for management's use.

Access Employee Documents & Certifications

  1. Log in to the web app.

  2. In the left navigation bar, head to Team > search and click on an employee to expand their profile. 

  3. Click on the Documents tab.

  4. The Documents tab is divided into two sections so you can store files depending on their purpose:

  5. Here's what the Documents tab will look like if the profile contains uploaded Certifications and Documents. Click on any file to review it in read-only mode:

    example of documents tab with docuements and certifications (1).png

Upload Documents

To upload "other" types of documents, such as performance reviews or doctor's notes: 

  1. In the Documents section, click Upload Document.

  2. Click Choose file or drag and drop up to 5 files.
    • Supported formats: PDF, JPEG, PNG, DOCX, or XSLX (maximum file size: 500MB).
    • Documents will not have an expiration date.
    • If the file is time-sensitive or requires you to track the expiration date, consider uploading the file as a Certification instead. Only Certifications will allow you to enter an expiration date and receive alerts when a file is close to expiring.

  3. For each file, rename it or use the trash can icon to remove it.

  4. Click Upload. The document will be stored in the employee's profile for future reference.

  5. Once the Document is uploaded, you can:

    • Click on any file to view it (in read-only mode).
    • Select the More Options icon beside the file to Edit or Delete it.
    • Click on Upload Document to add more.


Upload Certifications

To upload certifications, such as licenses or permits: 

  1. In the Certifications section, click Upload Certifcation.

  2. Click Choose file or drag and drop up to 5 files.
    • Supported formats: PDF, JPEG, PNG, DOCX, or XSLX (maximum file size: 500MB).
    • Only Certifications will allow you to enter an expiration date and receive alerts when a file is close to expiring 
    • If the file does not require you to track the expiration date or possibly contains sensitive information, consider uploading the file as a Document instead

  3. For each file:
    • Edit how the file's name will appear in 7shifts.
    • Add a Certification Type. 'Food handling, Liquor handling, and Sexual Harassment handling' certificate types are listed by default.
    • Enter the Certification's expiration date.
    • Set up an email reminder for 30, 45, 60, or 90 days before a Certification expires. Click on the Trash icon to remove it.


  4. Click Upload. The Certifications will be saved in the employee's profile for easy access. 


  5. Once the Certification is uploaded, you can:

    • Click on any file to view it (in read-only mode).
    • Select the More icon beside the file to Edit or Delete  it.
    • Click on Upload Certification to add more.



  6.  Use the Edit function to update a Certification's expiration date or the time you wish to receive an email reminder.


  7.  Learn more about how to view and track expiring certifications through warnings and reports.

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