Offer Up a Shift

When you are unable to work a scheduled shift and need to find a replacement/cover, you can offer your shift in the Shift Pool on the 7shifts app. This allows your coworkers to volunteer to take it.

In this article, you'll see how to offer up one of your scheduled shifts on the web and mobile app.

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Offer up a Shift

Use the tabs to change your viewing preferences through the mobile or web app:

Mobile 📱 Web 🖥️
  1. Tap on the calendar icon in the menu at the bottom of your screen to head to the Schedule page.

  2. Tap on the shift you want to give away:

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  3. Tap Find Cover:

  4. Select Offer Up:

  5. From here, you can:

    • Choose whether to offer up the full shift or partial
    • Insert any comments you wish your coworkers to see
    • Choose whether to offer the shift to everyone who shares the role, or to specific people

  6. When you're ready, tap Offer Up.

  7. Your shift will be added to the Shift Pool and your coworkers will receive a notification that there is a shift available to bid on.

    ⚠️ Remember the shift is yours until another Employee bids on it and you receive a notification that your Manager approved someone else to take the shift.

    If you decide later that you want to keep the shift, simply find the shift in the schedule and click on the Take back button.

  8. We'll send you a notification once your shift has been taken:

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