Manual Sales Importer

If you’re not connected to one of our supported POS systems, you can manually upload your actual sales data to 7shifts. This data will appear on your Dashboard and in the Labor Budget Tool, helping you calculate accurate sales projections.


⚠️ Historical sales can only be uploaded for the past 18 months.

⚠️ Admins will be able to upload sales data however, Managers / Assistant Managers will require both the 'Can manage schedules' and 'Can manage sales projections' permissions to have access to this tool.

⚠️ The tool can only be used for a Location that is not currently connected to a POS integration. Not sure if your POS integrates with 7shifts? Click here to see a list of our available POS integrations.

⚠️ Errors may occur if third-party document converters are used to format sales data. To avoid issues, copy your original data into a new .xls or .csv file.

Prepare POS Sales Data for Upload

There are a few important factors to take note of when exporting your sales data from your POS. Each POS has a different process for exporting receipts, and here is what is needed: 

  • Use Net Sales, not Gross Sales (i.e., no taxes or tips)
  • Include data in individual receipts (preferred) or in 15-minute to 1-hour increments. A single daily sales total will not work correctly when calculating projections and for other features, so this method is not recommended.
  • A Date and Time is required for each receipt or increment.
    Note how the date and time fields in your POS report are formatted. You may need to reformat these to match the importer templates.

Upload Actual Sales Data

To upload your Actual Sales into 7shifts, follow these steps: 

    1. Log into the web app.

    2. In the left navigation bar, head to Schedule.

    3. Click the Tools icon > Import Sales:

    4. Click Download Template to get the required file format for your sales data:

      sales data template download button (1).png

    5. Fill in the template with your POS sales data, ensuring that it matches one of accepted formats below. You can copy your actual sales report into this file and reformat the data to follow a template before uploading it:

      1. Date & Time / Sales (2 columns):
      • Date & Time: YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM
      • Sales: $00.00

      Or, 2. Date / Time / Sales (3 columns):
      • Date: YYYY-MM-DD
      • Time: HH:MM AM/PM
      • Sales: $00.00

      Pro Tip! Here are some steps to ensure that your file follows either of the two formats above for the Date or Time:

      In Excel: Right-click the cell and select Format Cells...> Number > Custom and select the appropriate format.

      In Numbers: Format > Cell > Data Format and select the appropriate format. 

      In Google Sheets: Format > Number > More Formats > More date and time formats and select the appropriate format. 

    6. Once your template is ready, click Choose file to upload it:

      choose file button (1).png

    7. Next choose from the following options:

          • Format: 'Individual receipts' or 'Hourly sales'. For more accurate projections we recommend entering the individual receipts. 
          • Location: Choose the specific Location that these sales are for.
          • Time zone: Ensure that this is correct for the Location entered above. 

      Screenshot 2024-11-06 at 3.16.38 PM.png

    8. Click Upload File to upload your data. This will replace any existing sales data for the dates you’re uploading.

    9. If there are errors found in the file, you will receive a warning describing those errors. You'll need to correct those and re-save your file before trying again.

    10. Once uploaded, your Actual Sales data will appear on the Dashboard and in the Labor Budget Tool. This data will automatically contribute to your Sales Projections for future scheduling:


      Click here to learn more about the Dashboard.

      The Labor Budget Tool:

      Click here to learn more about the Labor Budget Tool.

      Actual Sales (outlined in red)

      Projected Sales (outlined in blue)


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