Submit Your Availability

Before submitting your Availability to your employer, it's important to understand the difference between submitting Availability and Time Off in 7shifts. 

  • Availability:  Use Availability to communicate to your manager which times in the day, or days of the week you can't work because of a conflict. This could be due to school, other jobs, or other commitments.
  • Time Off:  Use Time Off to request vacation time or ask your manager for specific days you need to take off. Click here to learn more about Time Off. 

When it's time to update your availability schedule, there are 2 kinds:

  • Recurring Availability - Will carry over indefinitely until it's removed or a change is made. Use this to note what your availability typically looks like throughout the year.
  • Temporary Availability - If you already have set up your Recurring Availability, Temporary Availability will override what your Availability is for a specific period. For example, this could be for holidays or breaks from classes during a semester of school. Once the Temporary Availability period is over, your Availability will default back to your Recurring Availability.

How to Submit Your Availability

Use the tabs to change your viewing preferences through the mobile or web app:

Mobile 📱 Web 🖥️
  1. Log into the mobile app.
  2. Tap on the More menu More menu mobile in the bottom right corner.
  3. Select Availability:

  4. Tap the + button at the top right corner:
  5. Select whether you are submitting either Recurring Availability (which will repeat from week to week) or your Temporary Availability (for a specific date range):

    • If updating Temporary Availability: 
      From - The start day of the first week you want the request to apply to
      To - The last day of the last week you want the request to apply to
    • If updating Recurring Availability: 
      We'll let you know that one exists, and give you the option to update it.

      ⚠️ If you are unable to select Temporary Availability, it means that your employer has not enabled this option.
  6. Tap on each weekday to indicate your availability for each specific day:

    Your options are:

      • Available - Choose this option if you are available at any time
        • Full Day - Toggle off this option to set the time of day you are available
      • Not available - Choose this option if you are not available at any time
        • Full day - Toggle off this option to set the time of day you are not available

  7. Include comments for your manager at the bottom.
  8.  When finished, tap on 'Save' in the top right corner to submit your Availability to your manager.
    ⚠️ After you hit 'Save', your manager will be notified of your Availability request. You will be notified via email or mobile SMS/push notification when the request is approved or declined.
  9. The status of your Availablity requests will be visible on the Availability tab.



Request Time Off 

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