Copy/Paste Shifts

You can either perform a cut or a copy/paste to move shifts around on the Schedules page.

Moving a shift to another day/Employee (CUT)

1. Click and hold down your mouse on the shift (inside the yellow box).
2. Now drag it using your mouse to a newly desired day and/or Employee.

Copying a shift to another day/Employee (COPY/PASTE)

1. Press and hold down the "shift" key on your keyboard (or, the "option" key on Safari).
2. Now click and hold down your mouse on the shift (inside the yellow box).
3. While holding down the mouse and "shift" key (or, the "option" key on Safari), drag it using your mouse to a newly desired day and/or Employee.

Alternatively, when creating a shift for a single Employee, you can recreate the same shift time and Role for them across other days of the week at once.

Select all of the days of the week you wish to create this exact shift for.

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