Connect Multiple 7shifts Accounts

If you have multiple 7shifts accounts registered with different email addresses, you can connect them under one email. This is helpful if you work for multiple restaurants using 7shifts and want to switch between employers without logging out.

To learn how to add and change to another place of work, follow these steps to link your accounts so you can sign in using the same credentials.


⚠️ You'll need to ensure that each Account shares the same email and password. If your email/password does not match across all Accounts then you will have to log into each Account separately.

Connect your 7shifts accounts:

  1. Log in to the 7shifts account that uses the email you want to edit.
  2. In the top right corner, go to your profile icon (or, Settings in the left menu) > My Account.
  3. Change your email address to the address you would like to use to log in and click Save.
  4. Next, check your e-mail inbox. You will receive an email with the subject "Confirm Your E-mail" (at the address you removed). It will ask for confirmation of the change.
  5. Click the Confirm my email button, and you'll be redirected to
  6. Log into 7shifts using the new connected email address. 
  7. Nice job! From here, you can log in to your 7shifts Accounts using the same e-mail.
⚠️This link will be valid for 24 hours and will then expire. 

Switch Between Multiple 7shifts Accounts

Use the tabs to change your viewing preferences through the mobile or web app:

Mobile 📱 Web 🖥️

Your email and password can be updated by heading to the Dashboard > your profile logo at the top rightOnce they match across all your Accounts, they will automatically connect.

Follow these steps to switch Accounts:

  1. Tap the More menu Screenshot 2024-05-01 at 12.35.58 PM.png at the bottom right corner of the app.
  2. Tap the Account dropdown:
  3. Select the Account you wish to view, and you'll be taken to that Account:

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