Enable Employee Tip Visibility

Providing employees with transparency into their estimated tip earnings is essential for building trust and keeping them informed. With 7shifts, you can enable Employee Tip Visibility to allow team members to view their estimated tip earnings directly on their mobile app:



⚠️ Configure Tip calculations to automate tip figures and determine employees' owed and paid tip amounts.

⚠️ Enabling Employee Tip Visibility applies across your entire account, including all Tip Pools at every location.

⚠️ By default, Managers/Assistant Managers will have access to manage or edit the Tip Pool settings. However, Admins can change this by enabling or disabling the Manager Permission 'Can create and edit tip pools.'

View Employee Tip Visibility Statuses

To enable or change Employee visibility:

  1. Log in to the web app as an Admin or Manager with permission.
  2. In the left navigation bar, head to Tip Management > Tip Pooling.

  3. You'll notice a green indicator if you have (1) enabled Employee timesheet and earnings access and (2) your Tips to Payroll settings:

  4. If your indicator is yellow, this means you have (1) enabled Employee timesheet and earnings access and (2) there are remaining Tips Calculation settings that require your attention.
    We'll let you know which Locations have incomplete Tips to Payroll settings - please complete them to ensure accurate reporting across your 7shifts Account.

  5. If your indicator is grey, (1) Employee timesheet and earnings access and(2) Tips to Payroll are disabled. 
  6. To resolve a yellow or grey status, click Enable Employee Tip Visibility and follow the guided setup to ensure your settings are complete.

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