Track Expiring Certifications

Keep on top of whose Certifications are close to expiring by setting up automatic email reminders in 7shifts. In this article, you'll learn about where expiring and expired certification warnings will appear. 

When you're ready to view a condensed version of all Certification details, head to your Certifications Report.


⚠️ Managers/ Assistant Managers require the following permissions to see certification warnings on the schedule: 'Can manage schedule', 'Can edit employees', and 'Can manage employee certifications'

Email Notification Warnings

Expiration reminders will automatically be emailed (on the selected date) to the following individuals:

  • The Employee (if their email is provided in their profile)
  • The Manager/Assistant Manager who uploaded the certification
  • Any Admins of the account

Here's what the notification might look like when a Certification is about to expire:

(To an Employee)


(To Admins or Managers)



Schedule Notification Warnings

Certification warnings will show on the schedule, next to the employees' name, 14 days before the certification expires.

Expired certifications will show on the Schedule page, and will remain until the warning is dismissed, or if the certificate's expiry date is updated.

On the Schedule page, certification warnings will appear:

On the main schedule page, under the employee's name as Certification expired or Certifications expiring soon:


When adding, or editing a shift:


On the Schedule Timeframes View:


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