How to View Announcements

Announcements in 7shifts are a one-way communication from your manager, similar to bulletin board posts, where responses aren’t required. You can easily stay updated on important messages for your Location, Department, or Role group.

To access Announcements, follow these steps to view the latest updates and any attachments shared by your manager.

View an Announcement

Use the tabs to change your viewing preferences through the mobile or web app:

Mobile 📱 Web 🖥️
  1. Log in to the mobile app.
  2. Tap the chat bubble iconScreenshot 2024-05-15 at 9.49.21 AM.pngin the menu bar.

  3. You'll see the option to toggle between Messages or Announcements. Tap on the Announcements tab to view them: 

  4. The most recent Announcement will be at the top of the list, and any unread announcements will have a red indicator on the left-hand side. Click on the Announcement to expand its details.
    Screenshot 2025-01-22 at 3.19.51 PM.png

  5. Here you'll see the full Announcement and be able to open any attachments if they had been included:


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