Track Task List Completion in 7tasks

This guide will help you monitor your active task lists and understand how to view detailed task progress.

To view a report on past task list data, you can run a Tasks report.


⚠️ Any tasks that are overdue past a 2-hour timeframe will no longer be visible.

⚠️ When an employee reopens and updates a task only the latest entry will be recorded, replacing any previous completion records or images.

To view the progress of your lists, use the tabs to change your viewing preferences through the mobile or web app:

Mobile 📱 Web 🖥️

  1. Log into the 7tasks mobile app.

  2. Enter your punch ID to access your tasks.
  4. You'll see all your task lists that are pending completion (along with a progress count, such as 3/4 of tasks complete), and any task lists that you are tagged in:

    • Tasks with a set time frame will display the due time beside the list.
    • Toggle Show completed to reveal task lists that are done.

    7tasks task list dashboard (1).png
  5. Tap on any Task List to reveal more details.

  6. Select Show Details to view the description of the task list. Toggle Show completed to reveal task lists that are done.

    Show completes to reveal team progress (2).png

  7. For recent activity and more details for a specific task, tap on the More options icon next to the task > Open task details:

    Task list more options icon for task details (1).png

  8. View task details and its' most recent activity:

    task details and recent activity (1).png


  9. Once a task is completed, you will see the name of the employee and the time they completed the task.

    completed tasks with image tap  to expand (1).png

  10. If a photo entry was made, tap on the image to view it in more detail.




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