How to Assign Tasks To Specific Employees in 7tasks

Assigning tasks to specific employees can significantly increase your task completion rate by up to 135%.  With 7tasks, you can assign tasks to specific individuals or an entire group.

In this article, you'll learn how to assign individual tasks to employees within 7tasks, ensuring that each task is completed.


⚠️ Managers/Assistant Managers require permission Can manage tasks create and edit task lists.

⚠️ Only the assigned Employee, Admins, and Managers can view the list.

⚠️ Managers/Assistant Managers will have access to all task lists within their assigned Departments. This includes those for roles they are not assigned to.

⚠️ Tasks and Task lists can only be created and edited from the 7shifts web app.

Assign Tasks to an Employee

  1. Log into the web app.

  2. Head to Tasks > Overview.

  3. Use the filters to narrow down your template list results by day and Location.

  4. Click on Tag Employees beside the task list:
  5. Use the dropdown menus to select an employee's name to assign them to that specific/all tasks.

    Only employees scheduled for that particular time frame will appear in the dropdown and only one employee can be selected per task:

  6. Be sure to hit Save when you're done.
  7. Once tasks are assigned to an employee, the Tag an employee option will be greyed out. To reassign the task, click Edit template > Edit list details.

    Tag an employee is greyed out reassign
  8. If you reassign a task to a different employee:

    ⚠️ Shift Swaps and Task Assignment: If the assigned employee swaps shifts or gives up a shift in the Shift Pool, the task won't transfer to the new shift holder. The originally assigned employee will be unassigned, and the task will automatically become available to the Location, Department, or Role linked to the task list.

    ⚠️ Employee Availability for Tagging: Employees can only be tagged for tasks if they have published shifts within the relevant timeframe (Daily, Specific Days of the Week, Weekly, Monthly). One-time (non-repeating) tasks are an exception to this rule.

    For example, only an employee scheduled to work on the current day can be tagged for a daily task.

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