Employee Tip Breakdown

Your Overview will detail individual payout information so that you can provide answers when Employees have questions about their tips. Having this information readily available, can avoid confusion and help Employees better understand how their tips are calculated.

⚠️ The Employee Tip Breakdown is only available for Accounts that have completed their Tip Overview setup. Click here for more.

⚠️ Admins, Managers, and Assistant Managers can access Tip Management and the Employee Tip Breakdown.

⚠️ Certain features displayed below may require an upgrade from your existing plan.

  1. Login as an Admin or Manager.
  2. In the left navigation bar, head to Tip Management > Overview.

  3. On your Tip Overview, click anywhere on an Employee's tip information:
  4. Use the filters to narrow down your results by Employee, location and date range:
  5. Review the Employee tip breakdown report. The breakdown will detail the Employee's:
    • Total tips collected
    • Total contribution to tip pools
    • Total received from tip pools
    • A final overview of all tip totals: total earned tips, tips paid on shift, tips paid on tip payouts, and total owed



Earned tips.

Employee's total tips earned for this pay period. Only visible when enabled for the Account, and determined by your configuration of Tips to Payroll. 

Paid on shift.
The total amount of tips already paid to an employee outside of 7shifts for that pay period (e.g. cash tips that are taken home).

Owed tips.
The outstanding tip total owed to the Employee is being paid through Tip Payouts or Payroll. These are also tips that an employee has earned but not yet been paid. 

Owed Tips are calculated by:
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Tip Glossary

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