7shifts' Sales Forecast

7shifts' sales forecast has the ability to predict a restaurant's sales with only a few weeks of sales information. Integrate your POS to get 95% accurate sales forecasts so you can build labor-perfect schedules that your team can trust.

What's in a forecast? 

Our sales forecasting system is comprised of three separate algorithms, which forecast short-term, mid-term, and long-term trends.


7shifts' machine learning model considers multiple sets of data from different historical time periods to forecast the sales of each specific day.  

Advantages of Machine Learning:

  • Easily recognize sales patterns

  • Reveal hidden correlations to decrease human-based bias

  • Captures non-linear relationships 

Will my POS sales sync time affect my forecast?

No. 7shifts' sales forecasting model is trained with daily sales numbers pulled from your POS. All of 7shifts' integrated POS sync their sales with 7shifts at a minimum of once a day. 

Backing up 7shifts' claim: how accurate is 95%?

7shifts' data team performs an annual review of the sales forecast model to ensure our accuracy claim can be backed up by data. We have always maintained an error rate below 5%. In 2022, our average daily error rate in sales projection is 3.61%.


What can cause inaccuracies in 7shifts' Sales Forecasts?

In most cases, our forecast model accurately accounts for and anticipates restaurant sales variances. However, sudden and significant changes in sales—such as those caused by unexpected weather events, sharp increases in business volume, or major adjustments to historical sales data—may result in temporary inaccuracies in 7shifts' Sales Forecasts. These discrepancies are typically short-lived and will self-correct as the model adapts and integrates the outlier data.

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