Cancel Your Company Account

We're sad to see you go! To cancel your Account, we require that you verify yourself as the Admin and Account holder. This verification step protects you and account-sensitive information from any potential malicious activity against your Account.

  • If you fail to verify yourself, the Account will not be cancelled.
  • If the Admin is no longer with your company, we require a quick phone call to confirm billing and credit card details.
  • If you are on a free trial, your account will expire automatically at the end of your trial period. No cancellation is necessary. Contact your Admin to verify your login credentials if needed.

⚠️ 7shifts does not offer seasonal holds. If your business is temporarily closed, you can cancel your subscription and reactivate your account when you reopen.

Cancel Your Account

Follow these steps to cancel the Account through 7helps:

  1. Log in to the web app and click on Help in the left navigation bar.

  2. Select New conversation and send a message requesting to cancel your Account:

    ⚠️ If you are not the Admin of the account or are unsure if you are, our team will be able to assist in notifying the existing Admin about your request. However, only an Admin can authorize billing-related changes.
  3. Confirm whether you'd like to cancel the whole account, your personal profile/transfer ownership, or a Location:

  4. Follow the prompts to share more details about the cancellation.
  5. Back up your data:

    ⚠️ In compliance with Privacy and Data Protection Regulations, and as per our data retention policies, we permanently delete all your data at 2 years of cancellation. If you'd like to retain any data for future purposes, we advise that you download a copy of your data prior to the 2-year term.

  6. Depending on your Account Structure, an Account Specialist may reach out to you to finalize your request. This includes verifying the Account details for security purposes and confirming the effective date of cancellation.